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Mo Burger from Crosby’s Molasses

Mo Burger 6

There are two kinds of burger lovers, those who like ground beef formed into a patty with just a little seasoning and those who like it mixed up with eggs, fillers, sauces and a myriad of other ingredients. I am definitely in the beef with a few seasonings camp.

So, when I was cruising through the Crosby’s Molasses site and saw Mo burgers that are made with molasses, onions and salsa, why would I make it?

There are a couple of reasons. First, if you don’t try different things, you might miss a great new dish. Second, while there were additions to the beef, there weren’t that many. So, I went for it.

The recipe is at this link:

Mo Burger

I started by sauteing the onion and salsa.

Mo Burger at

I put the onions in a bowl and stirred in the molasses, Worcestershire sauce, salt and pepper. I added the beef and mixed lightly.

Mo Burger 2

I formed the beef into four patties. I like to depress the centre of my patties as I find it cuts back on shrinkage when the burgers are cooked.

I preheated my Weber Genesis Grill to medium high and put the burgers on.

Mo Burger 3

I cooked them for about 4 minutes a side and made sure the internal temperature was over 165 F.

Mo Burger 4

Here are the finished burgers.

Mo Burger 5

The Verdict

These were very different from my regular less seasoned burgers. The molasses definitely add a sweetness but it is a rich deep sweetness which I like about molasses. There was a touch of spicy notes from the salsa and Worcestershire but not enough to offend even picky kids.

I still prefer my plain burgers but these are very good for those who like their burgers sauced up. That being said I did enjoy them. They are good enough I will make them from time to time just for a switch up from the regular burgers.

The Old Fat Guy

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4 Responses

    1. I know what you mean. As I was eating these I thought to myself they weren’t burgers. They were more like a hot meatloaf sandwich. They tasted good but a burger should be mostly a beef flavour.

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