Gourmet Burger3

My friends have given me a hard time about using Kraft Cheese Slices on my burgers. I can’t help it. I was raised with them on my burgers and in grilled cheese and it takes me back to  my childhood. However, my friends are right. One day you have to grow up. So, I made Gourmet Burgers.

I started by making some Caramelized Onions.

7 mililiters vegetable oil
1/2 spanish onion thinly sliced
7 mililiters wine vinegar
2 1/2 mililiters sugar
1 clove Garlic thinly sliced
2.5 mililiters dried thyme
dash salt
dash pepper

Heat the oil over medium low heat. Add the remaining ingredients and cook, stirring often, until the onions are golden, about 20 minutes.

Gourmet Burger

In order to go with the gourmet theme, I needed a grown up cheese. There is a local cheese producer, Kootenay Alpine Cheese Company and they make a cheese called Nostrala. It has a nice sharp taste but is mild enough that it won’t over power the burger. I wasn’t going to do sauteed mushrooms but I was informed I was wrong. I cooked up about 1/3 pound of lean ground beef.

Gourmet Burger1

We used fresh onion buns to complete the package. The only condiment I put on this burger was homemade steak sauce. The cheese and onions added all the other flavour you needed.

Gourmet Burger2

The Verdict: These were excellent. There was a good beef taste with the crisp browned onions and the sharp taste of the cheese on a great bun. All you could ask for.

The Old Fat Guy

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